Your support has cultural impact!

Museum of Vancouver is seeking your support to continue to deliver its exhibitions, education, and public programming. The MOV stewards a collection of over 76,000 artifacts and belongings on behalf of the City of Vancouver.

As a gathering space that fosters connection, learning, and new experiences of Vancouver’s diverse communities and histories , the MOV depends on the support of its sponsors, donors, and funders to sustain its work and contribution to the community. Your tax-deductible donation will support the museums award-winning exhibitions, education, and public programs delivered annually to nearly 90,000 visitors.

The Museum of Vancouver has a rich and vibrant history as the oldest cultural institution in the City of Vancouver. Our mission is to deepen the understanding of Vancouver through stories, shared experiences, and cultural objects. By donating to MOV, you help us inspire a city that is socially connected and civically engaged through the programs, dialogue, and exhibitions that emphasize the organization’s main pillars:

• Redress & Decolonization

• Immigration & Diversity

• Environment & Sustainability

• Urban & Contemporary Issues

Your Donations Support:

donate today

Your donation can be made with a credit card, cheque, or a gift of stock, or a one-time or a monthly gift.

It’s so easy and only a click away. Donate Now.

You can also donate over the phone by calling: 604-730-5305

Cheques can be mailed to:
Attention: Development
Museum of Vancouver, 1100 Chestnut Street, Vancouver BC V6J 3J9

The Museum of Vancouver is a non-profit society that receives much appreciated financial support from government entities such as the City of Vancouver, the BC Arts Council, The Vancouver Foundation, Canadian Heritage and the Canada Council of the Arts as well as from generous individuals from our community.

Tax Information:
The Museum of Vancouver is a fully independent, non-profit organization.

Your donation is a tax-deductible contribution.
Charitable No. 837012624RR0001 

Questions about donations to MOV? Contact our Finance Department directly here.


In 2019 MOV celebrated our 125th anniversary with a special campaign.