The Museum of Vancouver hosts Mirage: Disused Public Property in Taiwan, an exhibition with Taiwanese Artist Yao Jui-Chung and Lost Society Document (LSD) and you’re invited to a special tour with the artist and his collaborator, filmmaker Sandy Hsiu-Chih Lo.

Yao and Sandy will give insight into the photography and activism project and share some of the political tensions that exist for their work as artist-activists.

The tour starts at 6:00pm and will run for about 45 minutes in both Mandarin and English. The artists will be available for questions after the tour. Register early. Space is limited!

Dates: May 30, 2024

Time: 6:00 - 7:30pm

Tickets: (Plus fees and taxes)

  • $32 General Admission

  • $23 Seniors (65+), Students & MOV Members

溫哥華博物館將舉辦台灣藝術家姚瑞中和失落社會檔案室的《海市蜃樓:台灣閒置公共設施抽樣踏查》攝影展覽。 邀請公眾參與由姚瑞中和紀錄片導演羅秀芝主持的藝術家導覽活動。


遊覽於晚上 6:00 開始,長度約 45 分鐘,提供國語和英語講解。導覽結束後將進行問答環節。名額有限,報名從速!

日期:2024 年 5 月 30 日

時間:晚上 6:00 - 7:30


· 普通門票 32 加元

· 長者 (65 歲以上)、學生和溫哥華博物館會員 23 加元

About the exhibition

Mirage: Disused Public Property in Taiwan covers 10 years of artist Yao Jui-Chung and his students’ use of photography to expose Taiwan’s “mosquito halls.” Starting in the 1970s, Taiwan invested in convention centres, sports facilities, schools and other public structures, only to abandon them. The term “mosquito halls” comes from the stagnant water that gathers and breeds mosquitoes in these structures and spaces.  

“In this age of transparency, covering up only causes more harm. The mission of this project is to examine the condition of public space usage from the perspective of the peoples. The whole world is facing the same problem, but Taiwan is willing to face it, deal with it, and let go, which can set an example for the international community.” —Yao Jui-Chung, Artist


《海市蜃樓:台灣閒置公共設施抽樣踏查》是藝術家姚瑞中和他的學生十年來利用攝影揭露台灣各地「蚊子館」的攝影計劃。從 1970 年代開始,台灣政府投資建設會議中心、體育設施、學校和其他公共場所,但後來這些設施都被廢棄。蚊子館一詞代表一些聚集和繁殖蚊子的廢棄建築和空間。

「在這個透明化的時代,掩飾只會造成更多傷害。本計劃核心是站在人民立場檢視公共空間狀況,全世界都面臨相同問題,但是台灣願意面對、處理、放下,堪為國際社會表率。」— 藝術家姚瑞中  

For general inquiries regarding this event, please contact the Programming Department here.


Meet your Guide


Sandy Hsiu-Chih Lo 

Sandy will be co-leading the English translation of the tour. Since she was very young, Sandy loved drawing and dreamed of being an artist. As a teenager, she also developed a passion for literature and fell in love with philosophy. As she grew older, she realized that curating and making documentaries and collaborating with people who use various art forms to express themselves was the job of her dreams. So, she became a curator and a documentary filmmaker. 

She likes to study cities, how spaces are made, gender issues, Indigenous art and how knowledge is shaped. Recently, she's been using a method called “curating topography” to show how different cultures and people see places differently. She wants to use this to make places better for everyone. She also helps run a journal called Curatography, which looks at how curators work in Asia. 

Her first documentary film as a producer/director, A Rainbow Over the Ruins (exhibition edition) won the “Special Mention” prize at the 2012 Urban Nomad Film Festival, and has been exhibited in several art exhibitions and Biennials as a documentary film for Mirage: Disused Public Property in Taiwan by Yao Jui-Chung, LSD and Sandy Lo. She is currently filming documentaries about Taiwanese artists and writers. 

In addition, she has published several books on Taiwanese art history and many art and film critiques in various journals and magazines. 



她喜歡研究城市、空間是如何構成、性別議題、原住民藝術以及知識是如何形成。最近,她一直在使用一種稱為「策劃地形」的方法來展示不同文化和人們對地方的不同看法。 她想利用這一點為每個人創造更好的環境。 她也參與出版一本名為《策展學》(Curatography)的期刊,該期刊研究策展人在亞洲的工作方式。

她作為製片人/導演的第一部紀錄片《在廢墟看見一道彩虹》(展覽版)榮獲2012年城市游牧電影節「特別表彰獎」。該紀錄片曾在多個藝術展覽和雙年展於姚瑞中、失落社會檔案室和羅秀芝的《海市蜃樓:台灣閒置公共設施抽樣踏查》攝影展中展出。 她目前正在拍攝有關台灣藝術家和作家的紀錄片。



Yao Jui-Chung 

Yao Jui-Chung, who will be co-leading the Mandarin translation of the tour, is an award-winning artist and professor in the Department of Fine Arts at the National Taiwan Normal University. He graduated from the Taipei National University of the Arts and specializes in photography, installation art and painting. While the themes of his works are varied, they all examine the absurdity of the human condition.  

His work has been widely exhibited around the world, including the Venice Biennale (1997) where he represented Taiwan, the International Triennale of Contemporary Art Yokohama (2005), Shanghai Biennale (2012), Asian Art Biennale (2015), 14th Curitiba International Biennial of Contemporary Art (2019), Jakarta Biennale (2021), Mediations Biennale Polska (2022), Macao Biennale (2023) and the Venice Biennale (2024).   

He has also received numerous accolades, including the Hong Kong Multitude Art Prize in 2013, Singapore Asia Pacific Art Prize in 2014, Taiwan Taishin Arts Award in 2018 and the Taiwan Arts and Business Award in 2019.    

Yao Jui-Chung lives and works in Taipei, Taiwan. 


這次導覽活動由屢獲殊榮的藝術家、國立臺灣師範大學美術系教授姚瑞中共同主持並提供國語講解。他畢業於國立臺北藝術大學,專攻攝影、裝置藝術及繪畫。 儘管他的作品主題多種多樣,但它們都探討了人類狀況的荒謬。

他的作品曾在世界各地廣泛展出,包括代表台灣參加的威尼斯雙年展(1997)、橫濱國際當代藝術三年展(2005)、上海雙年展(2012)、亞洲藝術雙年展(2015 )、第十四屆巴西庫里提巴當代藝術雙年展(2019)、雅加達雙年展(2021)、波蘭調解雙年展(2022)、澳門國際藝術雙年展(2023)和威尼斯雙年展(2024)。



This program is supported by